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Welcoming Everyone
We are Lynnhurst
Honoring the still-speaking God
What We Do
From Sunday morning worship to dartball, from bible study to
bell choir, there's something for everybody here at Lynnhurst.

Worship - Sundays at 10:30 AM
Worship at Lynnhurst offers individuals an opportunity to realize they are not alone on the journey of life. Whether you are a faithful church pillar or a questioning skeptic, an atheist or a multi-religious practitioner, we welcome everyone to join us.
We think of the Sunday morning worship hour as so much more than a place to read ancient liturgy or sing old hymns, though we do engage both of those. Rather, Sunday mornings at Lynnhurst are about connecting with family and friends as we celebrate a force that is beyond us. This force, our Creator God, teaches that all people are children of God and therefore equal in worth. It is a message that we believe supports us in the hustle-and-bustle of day-to-day living.
Sundays give us space to pause from the busyness to rest in the presence of God and one another as we look for peace and wholeness. Worship gives us occasion to be smart, reverent, culturally relevant as we honor the past, and expectant of a spiritual stirring within us. Sometimes we sing really loudly, sometimes we cry together. Then there are those moments of raucous laughter and earnest questioning.
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